Tuesday, March 20, 2007


By January 2007, I was growing tired of working at the same low-level job for 50-55 hours a week, but knew I had to push through and pay off even more debt before I could imagine leaving. Any entry-level job in another field would probably start at between 35-45k a year. This was not enough to afford my current lifestyle and student loans. I feel myself growing ever more desperate to pay them off and move on to another career. Since January, I have paid $3316.61 towards my big loan. $2553.87 has gone towards the principal and $762.23 has gone towards my interest.

My payments in 2007 are as follows:

Payment $600.00 Balance $39,426.49

Payment $100.00 Balance $39,909.05

Payment $340.65 Balance $40,000.00

Payment $1,000.00 Balance $40,176.95

Payment $600.00 Balance $41,149.01

Payment $425.45 Balance $41,579.59

Payment$250.0 Balance $41,787.49

I am still upset at not being challenged at my job, and having a low status in comparison to my friends (even though I make more money) and am wondering if this sacrifice is going to kill my career. However, this was my choice. I'm aware I sound like a spoiled brat when I say things like that, but I feel crushed.

As of now my loans are:

$5500 - Paid off May 2006
$45,500 - Currently at $39,426.49 at 8.3% interest
$17,364.10 (found exact amount) - Currently at $16,282.14 at 2.75% interest

I will continue to make updates when I make additional payments.

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